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Diagnosing battery module state of health – 12.3.2025

At SINTEF Energy Research, we recently established a new “Battery Innovation Lab”, a cutting-edge facility dedicated to testing flow batteries and lithium-ion battery modules, laying the foundation for innovative solutions in stationary energy storage.

For the TREASoURcE project, we are currently testing used Li-ion battery modules, originating from two different electric vehicles (EVs). The aim of the work is to find quick and reliable methods for diagnosing a battery’s state of health (SoH), making it easier for stakeholders in the second life market to implement these batteries in new solutions. This is an important step toward making batteries more sustainable and adaptable.

The battery modules being tested have very different states of health. One set of modules have been used for only a short time, while the other set of modules have been taken out of an electric vehicle that has been in operation for several years. Comparing test results for the differently aged battery modules, we aim to establish a test procedure for future use, which can be used to indicate level of degradation and suitability for further use.

The photos below show part of the battery lab and two modules under testing. The figure shows some of the data that we collect for the battery modules.

Battery Innovation Lab, two modules under testing, example of collected data.
Photos: SINTEF

12.3.2025 | Fride Vullum-Bruer (SINTEF),

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