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Fredrikstad’s Culture Night celebrated local talent and sustainability – 23.09.2024

Fixing workshop
Culture Night is a yearly cultural event in Fredrikstad. This year on the 13th of September, the city was once again filled with a myriad of cultural experiences!

During Culture Night, people could experience concerts, theatre, film screenings, exhibitions, cultural walks, dance, and much more from both professionals and amateurs – all in one evening, all around the city. With over 80 different events, there was plenty to choose from, and most of the programme was completely free to make it available for everyone.

Thanks to the TREASoURcE project, a lot of emphasis was put on sustainability and reuse this year. Several fixing and repair workshops were organised to highlight the importance of reuse and repurposing, so that all residents in Fredrikstad became aware of it. There were several locations where citizens could get clothes, electronic devices, shoes, bags and jewellery repaired completely free of charge. Several vocational schools participated in the event, including students from seamstress, electrician, shoemaking and goldsmithing lines. Cooperation was also established with a professional fixing workshop, REbyME, where people were taught how to repair their clothes or other textiles themselves.

The event was a great success. There were locations where people were queuing up before opening with products waiting to be repaired. Based on the experiences, efforts are now being made in Fredrikstad to form such a cooperation so that such workshops can be held regularly and in a financially sustainable manner.

Fixing workshop

23.09.2024 | Anna Gyüre-Szamosi (Fredrikstad), 

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