TREASoURcE organises a webinar on the circular economy value chains and ecosystem creation on Friday 26 May at 9:00-11:45 CET.
The purpose of the webinar is to present how to create value chains and ecosystems in the circular economy industry and present some examples from the different European countries and different sectors. We will also present findings of the TREASoURcE project’s recent studies.
The event is free and open to all. It is targeted to anyone interested in ecosystem creation.
Please register by 24 May 2023 here.
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Circular economy ecosystems create new value chains, Tiina Laiho, CLIC Innovation (FI)
– Introduction to ecosystem thinking and managing of ecosystems
– Introduction of the TREASoURcE co-creation workshop methodology to map value chains along new key value chains (batteries, biobased sidestreams, plastics)
09:40 Hurdles of the ecosystem creation – findings of the TREASoURcE Key Value Chains
– Batteries, Linda Rekosuo, Ecofellows Ltd (FI)
– Plastics, Ugur Kaya, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (FI)
– Biobased side and waste streams, Riina Kärki, The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners MTK (FI)
European ecosystem examples
10:20 Ecosystems in Norway
Founder Cynthia Reynolds
Circular Regions
Convener Circular Economy Coalition
10:45 Ecosystems in Sweden
Researcher Mattias Andersson
11:10 Biowaste ecosystems in Denmark
Professor Henrik Wenzel
SDU Life Cycle Engineering
Institut for Grøn Teknologi
11:45 Event concludes
Deep dive into European circular economy ecosystems
Time: Fri 26.05.2023, 9:00-11:45 (CET)
Place: Teams
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