Below you can download promotional materials in PDF format.
Promotional materials
TREASoURcE Factsheet
(Number of downloads: 110)
TREASoURcE Brochure
(Number of downloads: 57)
(Number of downloads: 48) Brochure 2024 (EN)
(Number of downloads: 18) Brochure 2024 (FI)
(Number of downloads: 14)
Below you can download executive summaries or full reports in PDF format.
D1.3 Legislative and regulatory framework for target value chains
(Number of downloads: 23)
D4.1 Report on existing and upcoming challenges for 2nd life battery use
(Number of downloads: 13)
Rigid Plastic Campaign: Report on Collection and Sorting
(Number of downloads: 32)
Rigid Plastic Campaign: TAMK Report on Rigid Plastic Composition Study
(Number of downloads: 14)
D6.1 Workshop report including local CE conditions analysis - Full report
(Number of downloads: 44)
D1.1 Territories' CE activities and state-of-the-art - Full report
(Number of downloads: 85)
D8.1 Plan for Communication and Dissemination - Full report
(Number of downloads: 16)
D8.1 Plan for Communication and Dissemination - Executive summary
(Number of downloads: 35)
Policy recommendations
Below you can download policy recommendations in PDF format.
TREASoURcE Policy Brief - Biokaasualan tukien jatkuminen on varmistettava (FI)
(Number of downloads: 1)
Press releases
Presentation materials
Below you can download presentation materials from our events in PDF format.
Presentations from TREASoURcE Mid-term results webinar 29052024 - Biobased side streams session
(Number of downloads: 25)
Presentations from TREASoURcE Mid-term results webinar 29052024 - Circular Batteries session
(Number of downloads: 11)
Presentations from TREASoURcE Mid-term results webinar 29052024 - Circular Plastics session
(Number of downloads: 19)
Presentations from Webinar 'Deep dive into European circular economy ecosystems'
(Number of downloads: 43)
Presentations from Webinar 'Challenges, barriers and gaps inhibiting transitioning to Circular Economy'
(Number of downloads: 73)
Master's theses
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