Bio-based side and waste streams

Creating circular economy markets, business models and biobased value chains while boosting the urban-rural symbiosis

Future circular bioeconomy needs to be based on efficient use of raw materials that supports also the use of local resources. In close cooperation with farmers, other industries, municipalities and regions, TREASoURcE will create CBE markets and business models, support forming of biobased value chains and explore the possibilities of using urban and rural waste and side streams together, increasing the understanding over symbiosis between urban and rural areas.

TREASoURcE will demonstrate efficient formation of local value chains that utilize local resources for biogasification and recovered fertilizers instead of being unutilized or transported elsewhere. This will entail currently missing large-scale raw material mapping, logistics optimization and mapping existing and potential locations for new refineries. The optimized side-waste stream value chains will be supported by a developed e-market place, which is also easily replicable and transferable, and market values/pricing for underutilized streams. Also new kind of cooperative models will be exploited, such as biogas cooperatives.
