The circular economy exhibition is organized as a pilot of the TREASoURcE project in the libraries of the five municipalities of Pirkanmaa during 2023-2024. The Pälkäne library is the first destination of the tour. In October, the exhibition will visit the SWAP! clothes exchange event in Tampere, and in November the exhibition can be seen in the main library of the city of Mänttä-Vilppula. The pilot libraries of 2024 will be published later.
Shared usage is an essential part of circular economy, and this makes libraries good partners for the circular economy exhibition. Many libraries have expanded their offering, in addition to books and music, to include for example hobby equipment. In Pälkäne, the library plans to survey its customers regarding their needs in connection with the TREASoURcE circular economy exhibition.
The focus of the TREASoURcE circular economy exhibition is on the project’s three value chains: batteries, plastics and bio-based side streams. The exhibition also introduces the main principles of sustainable consumption. In connection with the exhibition, a related seminar is also organized in every municipality. The Mänttä-Vilppula’s seminar will be held on October 24th focusing on biogas.
Learn more (in Finnish): https://hankkeet.ekokumppanit.fi/treasource/
27.9.2023 | Jaana Koivisto (EcoFellows), jaana.koivisto1@tampere.fi
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