Current plastic recycling process in Finland is mainly meant for packages. Still, many goods as children’s toys are made of plastics. Reuse of goods is a way to lengthen products’ life cycle and to reduce the usage of virgin raw materials. TREASoURcE together with Ekokumppanit project partner wants to support reuse of plastics with Swap event and seminar.
During the event you will hear speeches about circular economy, circular plastics, sustainable Christmas practices and circular economy platforms.
We also want to promote reuse in practical way. You can bring used, clean and good condition children’s toys and hobby equipment to pre-collection events. You get one Swap voucher per one brought item. Maximum amount is 5 vouchers. During the main event, you can exchange one voucher for one toy. Everybody gets 3 vouchers when they enter to the main event.
Christmas Swap: Children’s toys and hobbies
Main event
Place: Satakunnankatu 18, Tampere, Kohtaamisia.-room
Time: Sun 11.12.2022, 10.00-16.00,
Pre-collection events
Place: Moreenia, Valssipadonraitti 3, Tampere
Times: Sat 3.12. 10.00-16.00, Mon 5.12. 13.00-19.00
Event website (in Finnish)