Field day in Kokemäki, Finland – 09.10.2023

TREASoURcE project team is organizing an event for Finnish farmers about circular practices in agriculture in collaboration with two other projects on Monday 9 October 2023. The event will take place at a farm in Kokemäki, Finland. Circular economy and sustainability in agriculture are the main themes of the event. Focus will be on practical measures which farmers can do to enhance circularity at their own farms.

The event will include a work demonstration of applying gypsum to a field as part of KIPSI project (gypsum project) run by ELY-keskus Varsinais-Suomi (The Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment come under the administrative branch of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy). Muutosvoimaa tulevaan is the third collaborating project, their project team from MTK-Satakunta will be present to share information about circular practices in agriculture. The event will be held in Finnish.

More information about the event in MTK’s social media channels (in Finnish).

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