The vehicle manufacturer from Sarpsborg in Viken has now launched a new concept which they call 2nd Drive. The company pays customers, such as Posten Norge, an amount to get back vehicles that are out of warranty or that will no longer be used by the customer. The company then repairs, refurbishes, and prepares the same vehicles for new customers. All while recycling almost 100% of the used vehicles.
– 2nd Drive is a deposit order for the sale of new vehicles we have from Paxster. When a customer buys a Paxster they can rest assured that when they no longer need the vehicle, we will buy the car back and take it into the 2nd Drive line. What we then do is take the car in, dismantle it until we are left with just the chassis and the individual parts that can be improved and upgraded. The parts go through their upgrade process and control before they are mounted back on the car again during construction. Our goal is to reuse 97% of the Paxster that we got back, says Noah Klevmoen, 2nd Drive Manager at Paxster.
One of the 2nd Drive-Paxsters has now been purchased by Viken County Council’s project “Test of fossil-free machines and vehicles”, in collaboration with the Horizon Europe project TREASoURcE. The vehicle will be lent out to municipalities that are interested in testing whether the Paxster can replace its fossil alternatives. Several municipalities have already expressed their interest, including Indre Østfold municipality. This pleases Annette Lindahl Raakil, county councilor for plan, climate, and environment in Viken county municipality.
– Viken invests in fossil-free machines because this is how we can get into the low-emission society. This is how we achieve our climate goals in Viken. Replacing fossil machines with fossil-free ones is an important part of that transition, says the county councilor, before turning her attention to the vehicle she has just tested herself.
– The Paxster is small. It sneaks around where it can be difficult for larger cars. It’s flexible, it doesn’t go that fast, but you don’t always need to drive fast. The fact that Indre Østfold municipality is going to use it in its home service is excellent. We are constantly finding new applications for this type of vehicle.

Challenges with narrow streets, space, and parking are something that Indre Østfold municipality also sees as a problem for more traditional vehicles. At the same time, the municipality has a desire to reduce emissions, and a broad focus on circular economy. Now the employees are looking forward to trying the vehicle but are also aware that challenges may arise.
– Change can be scary. It is about looking at it as a project where we will solve everyday life and moving forward, reach our users efficiently, and help reduce emissions when driving. I think it’s about being cheerful and excited that this is and can be a cool change. It’s a great tool and vehicle, says Siw Anita Dramstad, head of department in Indre Østfold municipality.
In the production line at Paxster, they are happy about with all the positive feedback. The company has already had great success with the well-known postal vehicles, so much success in fact that they are now Norway’s biggest car manufacturer of all time if you look just at the sales. Now they hope that the 2nd Drive-line will be able to create just as much interest. Because the Sarpsborg company is truly passionate about circular and sustainable solutions.
– We have a vision to create a better future for our future generations. To do that, we must offer environmentally friendly, sustainable, and not least circular solutions. Not just for mail and distribution, but for everyone. Private individuals, plumbing companies, farmers, or cemeteries. Everyone deserves to use sustainable vehicles and the solutions behind it all, says Noah Klevmoen.
The vehicle manufacturer is currently working on a new prototype. This model is even more aimed at private customers, companies, agriculture, and the public sector than the previous variant. The new model has developed in line with feedback and wishes from potential customers.
8.12.2022 | Martin Norderhaug (Viken County Council), egiln@viken.no